Israel: a land founded with the vision of a sovereign Jewish homeland, a land steeped in history, natural beauty, and diversity. These are just a few of the more positive descriptions that come to mind when thinking about the state of Israel. They are also the types of descriptions that the North American office of the Israel Ministry of Tourism are promoting in their 2007, $11 million ad campaign, which aims to double Israeli tourism by 2010. The campaign’s tagline reads: “You’ll love Israel from the first ‘Shalom’,” a slogan which Arie Sommer, Israel Tourism Commissioner for North and South America, claims is a reflection of the “warm feelings between American people and the people of Israel” and is aimed to “…take advantage of what he said was a changing perspective among Americans of the Israeli political situation.” (For more information see “New Campaign Uses Everyday Israelis to Stimulate Tourism” by Jane L. Levere)
Luckily for the Ministry of Tourism, and for the Israeli economy for that matter, the campaign has been incredibly successful, resulting in the influx of 2.3 million tourists in 2007, a 25% increase from 2006 figures. The revenue brought in totals12.5 NIS (Israeli shekels) or about $3.46 billion, according to Israeli daily news source
Although people in the U.S. and in Europe widely applaud the success of the Israeli tourism industry, Western media sources are quick to point out, that these picturesque, and arguably idealistic, images ignore the nature of reality, which is that they are often set amidst scenes of terrorism and violence. For example, an announcement posted by The Department of State on August 14, 2009, “…warns U.S. citizens of the risks of traveling to Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip, and about threats to themselves and to U.S. interests in those locations.”
Given the power and influence of mainstream news sources, coupled with frequent governmental warnings, it’s no wonder that many Westerners are reluctant, if not fearful to travel to Israel.
Many Israelis and members of the international community suggest that Israel needs to revise its image in order to conquer any and all stigmas regarding travel to and tourism within Israel. As new ideas are brought to the table, a new image of Israel is beginning to emerge. One interesting, unconventional, and highly controversial idea involves the development of the gay porn industry within Israel. Interested yet? Read more!
In a recent article posted by the popular news source, Israeli journalist Michael Kaminer asks the following question: “Can gay porn can save Israel’s image?” According to Michael Lucas, a Moscow-born gay pornographic actor, director, and the founder and CEO of Lucas Entertainment (New York’s largest gay-adult film company), the answer to this question is a resounding “Yes!” Lucas recently completed the filming of Men of Israel, the first pornographic movie to be filmed in Israel with an all-Israeli cast. (See for trailer.)
According to Lucas, his film not only provides sexual entertainment and excitement for its viewers, but that it also provides “…a counterbalance to lopsided portrayals of Israel in mainstream media” (Kaminer), and that it acts as a free promotion for Israel’s tourism. During an interview by Kaminer, a heavily accented Lucas explains: “The reality is that Israel has only one face to people on the street, and that’s the West Bank and Gaza. All people see in the media is a country of disaster. They get images of a blown-up bus.” So, what image does the intriguing Lucas propose instead?
Semi-surprisingly, the once Soviet Lucas dreams of an Israeli vacation for anyone and everyone, although his description more aptly applies to the the young and to those that are gay. “'Nobody goes to Israel for Golda Meir,' I’m so sorry,” Lucas admits non-apologetically. “People don’t care that you have a great orchestra, and they’re not particularly interested in the Holocaust museum. Gay people, and straight people, want beautiful beaches, beautiful nature, beautiful men and women, good food, good hotels. Israel shouldn’t be mistaken about why people go there. They need me [emphasis added].” Very wittily, Kaminer adds that, “neither the Israeli Consulate nor the Israel Ministry of Tourism office in New York returned calls or e-mails for comment.” While it is possible to assume, though much less plausible to infer that Lucas purposely exaggerated his suspected role, evidence suggests the contrary.
In defense of Lucas, his biography, as examined by Kaminer, (including his background, career, and role as public speaker and political writer) provides a remarkable account of his ascension to fame and success and is extremely admirable (in some lights). (See Part IV.)
“A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away,” (the Soviet Union to be exact), Michael Lucas was born in Moscow to middle-class “Russian intelligentsia.” His father was an engineer and his mother a professor of Russian literature. At the time of his birth, anti-Semitism was prevalent throughout the Soviet Union and Lucas’ parents went so far as to change his surname. According to Kaminer, this act was intended “to curb as much anti-Semitism as possible.” Although Kaminer doesn’t provide any details, he explains that “growing up in a communist nation as a gay-Jewish boy, Lucas faced much oppression and discrimination” (Lucas’ biography, source unknown, but accuracy generally assumed).
After completing law school, Lucas attempted to jumpstart several careers. In his first attempt, Lucas founded his own travel company, which unfortunately failed because it was purportedly “…run out of business by the Russian mob” (Kaminer). (Um, ok?) Next up, Lucas, (either before or after his travel agency venture) moved to Germany where he apparently did not find his niche. From Germany, Lucas immigrated to New York City, where he finally realized his dream, and possibly screamed “Eureka!" Although the former assertion is unverifiable, and really represents more of a guess as to Lucas' past emotional state, it is documented that Lucas expressed the following ambition: “I wanted to make money, and all I had was my body, so I used what I had.” Prostitution and work as an adult film actor provided the appropriate means by which Lucas began to set about accomplishing his dream, but intuitively, Lucas admits that he was always aware that higher ambitions awaited him.
In or some time around 1998, Lucas rightly concluded that he could make exponentially more money by producing and directing his own adult films, so he formed Lucas Entertainment: "New York's Best Defense Against Bad Gay Porn." By 2001, the company had become successful enough that Lucas was able to financially support his entire family, going so far as to facilitate their moving to the United States, although today, all but his grandmother have returned to Russia. Although Lucas admits to believing that his "…parents would have wished...[him] to go on with...[his] education…[, o]nce they realized...[that he was] actually in the adult business, they never gave...[him] any problem. They were always interested in how...[he was] doing businesswise.”
Consequently, Mom and Dad should be glad to know that throughout his career, Lucas has continually built up his name and reputation, and upon the name and reputation of his company. Additionally, the products being made by Lucas Entertainment are quality tested and positively peer reviewed.
Despite these congratulations. accreditations, and the obvious impact that Lucas has had in Israel and abroad, it seems dubious whether Men of Israel, as Lucas suggests, is a worthy candidate in terms of solving the alleged Israeli image crisis. For, even if one takes Lucas' advise and significantly restricts Israel's image to what he believes that people want: “…beautiful beaches, beautiful nature, beautiful men and women, good food, [and] good hotels,” he makes a hard sell.
So it possible for gay porn to provide a more viable solution than the existing Israeli tourism campaign? Can sexual imagery, which borders on cheep, cheesy, objective, and offensive, do better than what has already been and is being done? This writer seriously doubts it.
Despite these congratulations. accreditations, and the obvious impact that Lucas has had in Israel and abroad, it seems dubious whether Men of Israel, as Lucas suggests, is a worthy candidate in terms of solving the alleged Israeli image crisis. For, even if one takes Lucas' advise and significantly restricts Israel's image to what he believes that people want: “…beautiful beaches, beautiful nature, beautiful men and women, good food, [and] good hotels,” he makes a hard sell.
So it possible for gay porn to provide a more viable solution than the existing Israeli tourism campaign? Can sexual imagery, which borders on cheep, cheesy, objective, and offensive, do better than what has already been and is being done? This writer seriously doubts it.
Pornography has always been considered a racy medium for cultural expression, so it seems counterintuitive to assert that in this case it is any different. Rather, far from being the ultimate or ideal solution, pornography posses more challenges than it eradicates. This assessment is based off of the following observations:
· For one, the vast majority of Israeli citizens undoubtedly do not support the image of Israel that Lucas is trying to create. Both homosexuality and pornography stand in opposition to traditional Jewish values, especially those of held within ultra-Orthodox Judaism.
· Secondly, Men of Israel presents Israel (in terms of land and people) as sexual objects, which are exploited and corporately produced and marketed.
· Thirdly, the film unquestioningly exploits the actors’ homosexuality, their Jewishness, and their status as Israeli citizens.
· Finally, it must be noted that the intended demographic of Lucas Entertainment is not buying or viewing Lucas’ films for the purpose of attaining information on tourism, and even if one is to factor however few people decide that they want to travel to Israel (after watching what one only hopes is private viewing) into the equation, the vast majority of potential audience members will probably not have decided anything regarding Israel and/or the Israeli people--at least nothingworth discussing in further detail.
For these, and many other possible reasons that may not have been mentioned in this response, it seems extremely selfish, short-sighted, and negligent to assume that gay porn is the best candidate to reform Israel's image.
Note that this criticism does not intend to suggest that Men of Israel is devoid of any or all value or that it is incapable of producing any benefits. To the contrary, numerous advantages can be extracted from the film, including the fact that it is the first pornography to be filmed in Israel. Additionally, Men of Israel has undoubtedly opened the eyes of many who wouldn't have exposure to or be able to identify with various sexual and/or homosexual concepts otherwise, although many of these cases are surely involuntary. Yet another gain is the infusion of money into Israel and the visibility of a formerly untapped economic market. For the case of gay porn, it is especially true that the process of change has come about in an excruciatingly painful manner, however, Israel cannot exist within a vacuum and refuse to be influenced by and to influence the rest of the world. Although Israel would probably prefer a stance of isolation, Men of Israel presents the opportunity for the Jewish people to reaffirm their mutual values and to strengthen their cultural identity. Let's hope that some form of happiness emerges from an absolutely uncomfortable situation, specifically, happiness in the relevant sense.
Kudos for writing this article, it was actually very interesting.